Why talk about TD?
Being diagnosed with TD does not make you less of a man. In fact, a diagnosis helps set you on the road to treating the condition. By sharing your concerns with your doctor, partner and friends they can help support you through your treatment.
Talking about your diagnosis
It may seem obvious to you that you’re struggling with symptoms of TD, but it may not be so clear to those around you. Speaking about your diagnosis will allow others to understand how you are feeling and how they can help.
Talking to your healthcare staff
It’s normal to feel embarrassed, especially if low libido/sex drive is one of your complaints. But remember, healthcare professionals are there to help you and will never make judgements based on your condition. If it makes you more comfortable, there’s no need to tell the receptionist at your doctor’s office that you have TD if you don’t want to. You can wait for the doctor before you go into more detail about your symptoms.1